So it has come down to it at last. The final nail in the coffin. The ending waltz on the dance floor. The last Pringle in the can. Or something. Either way, we have sworn in another president, we have upheld our particularly American brand of Democracy, and we are all certainly awaiting every politician to be taken into custody, executed, and then for Trump to rule forever. Q just has to be correct right? The track record is.... stunning? Pictured: Q at his computer, or something. Creator: Rembrandt | Credit: Hermitage Either way, our country has reached the dawning of a new administration. An event that has happened 45 previous times, and will undoubtedly happen many many more. But along the way, there was a bit of... discourse, if you could call it that. Most of it was spurned on by the greatest of all threats in this day and age, the Keyboard Warriors. Yes, this multi-class, 12th level, 5h Edition DnD champion has, for the last 5-6 ye...
.... And in summation, that's how you fix all of our political and humanitarian issues. Thank you for reading for the past 2 months. This series has been a big one. Twelve blog posts. Just amazing what steady viewership and dedication will brin- .... (ed note: What do you mean they haven't been posting? What do you mean they haven't even been SAVING?! YOU MEAN I HAVEN'T BEEN ACTIVE HERE FOR 2 MONTHS?!?! MOTHE@$@^&@^@*()$)*(!^(97278^&!*(@!!!!) Well... this is awkward. It seems that my creative juices needed a pick me up. Yeah. That's what I'll go with. Lets get onto the post. It's about one of my favorite topics: sadness and misery in the world! Yaaaay! ... I need a drink.... 52 Shirley Temples later. So for those who have been living under a rock, or at least have the better sense to not listen to ANY news nowadays, a several thousand people strong caravan of refugees and immigrants has slowly been making its way across Central American ...