So it has come down to it at last. The final nail in the coffin. The ending waltz on the dance floor. The last Pringle in the can. Or something. Either way, we have sworn in another president, we have upheld our particularly American brand of Democracy, and we are all certainly awaiting every politician to be taken into custody, executed, and then for Trump to rule forever. Q just has to be correct right? The track record is.... stunning? Pictured: Q at his computer, or something. Creator: Rembrandt | Credit: Hermitage Either way, our country has reached the dawning of a new administration. An event that has happened 45 previous times, and will undoubtedly happen many many more. But along the way, there was a bit of... discourse, if you could call it that. Most of it was spurned on by the greatest of all threats in this day and age, the Keyboard Warriors. Yes, this multi-class, 12th level, 5h Edition DnD champion has, for the last 5-6 ye...
Today I want to talk about a certain group of people. These people, they are just the worst. They don't care about what happens to the others groups around them. They always try to impose their ways unto others. They dress weird, act weird and have such strange "fun" activities and past-times. I really can't see how anyone can stand them at all. And their food is so disgusting! And the worst part of it all? They always move into a neighborhood and it change it to suit their needs. I mean, I used to know this great place, and it got changed completely to suit the new demographics. I just can't stand them. What? I haven't mentioned who it is I'm talking about? Well, its obvious isn't it? Why? Who're YOU thinking about?
Racism, like stupidity, knows no color. Any group of people can be racist against another. That's a simple fact. And it's further illustrated by our thoughts. Such as this; who exactly did you think about when I was going on my rant up there? Black people? Mexicans? Asians? White folk? Indians? The list goes on and on, and everything that was listed up there are complaints that have historically been lobbied against people of every race and color. So, if we seem to have all the same complaints about each other, does that mean we are all racist? Ummmm, well kinda.
Everything lines up perfectly. All the things that have been classically blamed on the so called "minorities" of America, can also be blamed on the Caucasian population. And now, more than ever, race politics seem to be shifting towards the policy of slinging crap at each other from all directions and hoping at least some of it sticks. And that is DEFINITELY not relegated to only one race these days. How many times have you heard someone call for the extermination of the "White" race? Especially on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, etc. Social media has made it incredibly easy to expound hatred and intolerance with only a few clicks. And the worst part is that it enables people to have followers that they never would have before. So while you may post a meme that says "KILL ALL WHITE PEOPLE" thinking that you are just letting off steam, suddenly you'll notice others coming out of the woodwork and thinking the same. Pretty soon, you're fully in the swing of things and are organizing a lynch mob to head down to Beverly Hills to teach Brandon and Karen a lesson.
Racism is not going away. That's a sad fact. But it can be metered, and that is something we as a people need to start working towards. This current administration has brought out the worst in people. It has caused us to devolve into the hatreds and fears of old. Ones that we had thought stamped out years ago. The only thing we can do now, is fight back. But to do so, we need to be united under one cause. And we can't do that until we realize that only about race in the eyes of the racists. There are plenty of people from every racial group who wish to see this country prosper. And there are plenty that don't.
Racism, like stupidity, knows no color. Any group of people can be racist against another. That's a simple fact. And it's further illustrated by our thoughts. Such as this; who exactly did you think about when I was going on my rant up there? Black people? Mexicans? Asians? White folk? Indians? The list goes on and on, and everything that was listed up there are complaints that have historically been lobbied against people of every race and color. So, if we seem to have all the same complaints about each other, does that mean we are all racist? Ummmm, well kinda.
You see, racism is more than just saying that this group does this and this group does that. It's a systematic ignorance and hatred of someone "different" than you. Someone who you feel is completely incompatible with your ethics and culture. Now this isn't something like a Catholic and a Muslim being incompatible, because they aren't. Stick them in a room and they will no doubt find a million things that they have in common, and maybe even gain a respect for each other's beliefs. No, this is when someone claims that someone else's culture is the antithesis of their own. Like how so many Americans believe that all Muslims in the Middle East wish nothing but violence and destruction unto our way of thinking. Again, these things are far from the truth.
If we take a look at the historicity of racism in America, we start to realize a pattern. It has almost always been the Caucasian members of society who label other cultures as "heathens". And, more often than not, they focus nearly all their racism onto a couple groups of people that they deem the causes of all societies problems. In the early 1800's, this was usually put onto Native American peoples. Mid 1800's were Black and Mexicans. Early 1900's were Jews and Germans. 1940's and 50's were Asians. 1960's and 70's were Black folk again, and rounding out the 80's, 90's and early 2000's were the peoples of the Middle East. Nowadays, we seem to have diversified under our God-Emperor (ed note: He who is most orange and sticky) and have placed all of our countries woes on four specific groups; Black Americans, Hispanic Immigrants/Americans, Middle Eastern American, and.... Caucasian Americans. Yep.
Brought to you by M. Night Shya-i'm-not-even-gonna-try. |
Everything lines up perfectly. All the things that have been classically blamed on the so called "minorities" of America, can also be blamed on the Caucasian population. And now, more than ever, race politics seem to be shifting towards the policy of slinging crap at each other from all directions and hoping at least some of it sticks. And that is DEFINITELY not relegated to only one race these days. How many times have you heard someone call for the extermination of the "White" race? Especially on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, etc. Social media has made it incredibly easy to expound hatred and intolerance with only a few clicks. And the worst part is that it enables people to have followers that they never would have before. So while you may post a meme that says "KILL ALL WHITE PEOPLE" thinking that you are just letting off steam, suddenly you'll notice others coming out of the woodwork and thinking the same. Pretty soon, you're fully in the swing of things and are organizing a lynch mob to head down to Beverly Hills to teach Brandon and Karen a lesson.
This, is racism. Many these days think that you cannot be racist against White people. Like, legitimately it's not possible. They always use the same tried and true definition; "You cannot be racist against the oppressor. Racism requires that one group is put upon and that another group is the one putting them down." Well, yes, that technically is true. But, why exactly can you not be racist against the oppressor? In fact, I would think that the mere ACT of being a "oppressor" would kick-start racism against you in and of itself. By this logic, POW's in Vietnam should not have been allowed to hold resentment against the Vietnamese that held them captive and tortured them. Sure, it's wrong, and misplaced bigotry against an entire race vs. the actual people who are committing such things, but when your fingernails are getting pulled off and fed to you, I don't think you'd be in the best state of mind.
And this really is the whole point of the argument. we blame races of people, for the actions of a few of that race. Many Black youths have been lured towards illegal actions, but not all. Many Middle Eastern hardliners have denounced the US and wish us destruction, but not all. Many Hispanics take part in the heinous drug trade, but not all. Many Caucasians have a history of abuse and hatred against other races, But. Not. All. The argument always comes up, that saying "But not all" defeats the purpose of the movement. That it is absolving those that deserve to be rallied against. But, what exactly is it when you say, "it doesn't matter if a few of them are nice and good, the rest of them are bad, and that's what matters." Well, that's racism my friends. Through and through.
Okay, maybe some Whitey's are bad. |
Racism is not going away. That's a sad fact. But it can be metered, and that is something we as a people need to start working towards. This current administration has brought out the worst in people. It has caused us to devolve into the hatreds and fears of old. Ones that we had thought stamped out years ago. The only thing we can do now, is fight back. But to do so, we need to be united under one cause. And we can't do that until we realize that only about race in the eyes of the racists. There are plenty of people from every racial group who wish to see this country prosper. And there are plenty that don't.
Just because someone is White, doesn't mean they are part of the problem. Just because someone is Mexican, doesn't make them a drug dealer and rapist. And just because someone is Middle Eastern, doesn't make them a terrorist. It always seems to boil down to the stereotypes that we have so long attributed to each other. We deny ourselves allies and compatriots too often, simply because we can't fathom that this person may have the same ideals as us. We push valuable support away, because we feel that that person doesn't understand what we are fighting for. That is racism. That is intolerance. And it knows no color.
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