So it has come down to it at last. The final nail in the coffin. The ending waltz on the dance floor. The last Pringle in the can. Or something. Either way, we have sworn in another president, we have upheld our particularly American brand of Democracy, and we are all certainly awaiting every politician to be taken into custody, executed, and then for Trump to rule forever. Q just has to be correct right? The track record is.... stunning? Pictured: Q at his computer, or something. Creator: Rembrandt | Credit: Hermitage Either way, our country has reached the dawning of a new administration. An event that has happened 45 previous times, and will undoubtedly happen many many more. But along the way, there was a bit of... discourse, if you could call it that. Most of it was spurned on by the greatest of all threats in this day and age, the Keyboard Warriors. Yes, this multi-class, 12th level, 5h Edition DnD champion has, for the last 5-6 ye...
Today I want to talk about a certain group of people. These people, they are just the worst. They don't care about what happens to the others groups around them. They always try to impose their ways unto others. They dress weird, act weird and have such strange "fun" activities and past-times. I really can't see how anyone can stand them at all. And their food is so disgusting! And the worst part of it all? They always move into a neighborhood and it change it to suit their needs. I mean, I used to know this great place, and it got changed completely to suit the new demographics. I just can't stand them. What? I haven't mentioned who it is I'm talking about? Well, its obvious isn't it? Why? Who're YOU thinking about? Damn illegals. Racism, like stupidity, knows no color. Any group of people can be racist against another. That's a simple fact. And it's further illustrated by our thoughts. Such as this; who exactly did you think...