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Dirty Stinkin' Commies! (And Other Improprieties)

    So it has come down to it at last. The final nail in the coffin. The ending waltz on the dance floor. The last Pringle in the can. Or something. Either way, we have sworn in another president, we have upheld our particularly American brand of Democracy, and we are all certainly awaiting every politician to be taken into custody, executed, and then for Trump to rule forever. Q just has to be correct right? The track record is.... stunning? Pictured: Q at his computer, or something. Creator: Rembrandt  |  Credit: Hermitage     Either way, our country has reached the dawning of a new administration. An event that has happened 45 previous times, and will undoubtedly happen many many more. But along the way, there was a bit of... discourse, if you could call it that. Most of it was spurned on by the greatest of all threats in this day and age, the Keyboard Warriors. Yes, this multi-class, 12th level, 5h Edition DnD champion has, for the last 5-6 ye...

For the Empire!

Gather round children. Time for a story! 

     Once upon a time, there was a great land, a land so bountiful and pristine, that all who came to it wished to never leave. It provided it's people with all of their needs, no matter the cost. However, this land required you work it to meet those needs. And work it the people did! Far and wide, farmers, builders, woodsmen and all sorts of fine folk flocked forward for fresh and fruitful bounties that would be obtained through hard work, and the sweat off one's brow. But all was not as peaceful as it seemed.
     The dark ones came. They swept over the land and plied their foul magics unto the populace. They brought metal and stone buildings to bear; steam-pipes billowed foul soot into the sky, darkening even the brightest of days. Nature was pushed back in the name of industry; the land itself was molded and warped to suit the needs of the dark ones. Where before a person worked to better their own lives, now they were compelled to work for material gain, for a greater union that would ensure the lowest stayed low and the highest only rose higher. Indeed this was a dark and tumultuous tim- crap. This is about the United States again isn't it. (ed note: Sigh.)

People often take for granted what we have in this nation. We always state that we are the greatest country in the world. And, truth be told, there are many arguments to support that. We have a populace that can do nearly anything they want, so long as they are willing to learn and put in the work. We have a set of rules that allow us basic freedoms that other countries of the world couldn't even dream of. We have vast swaths of land that is completely livable, and you can live pretty much wherever you want in this country of ours. Food and water is readily available, health-care is comprehensive, jobs and industry provide useful products and fulfilling careers. Truly, we are the GREATEST nation on the face of this earth. At this moment. Huh? What do I mean 'At this moment'? Weeeeeellllllllll....

Can't you just smell the freedom!
(All credits to u/Perrrin from Reddit.)

Kingdoms and empires come and go. All historians worth their salt will tell you that. They follow a general three act structure too. (ed note: How polite of them.) 

- One: The kingdom/empire (ed note: Lets call them Kingpires™.) is founded, often preceded by a series of wars over land and succession rights. It begins to thrive and attract multitudes of people due to their progressive/conservative/religious/Orwellian ideals. This influx will cause them to flourish, allowing them greater trade and political power, while also strengthening the populace and military, as those two usually go hand in hand. This flourishing will often times catch the eye of various other Kingpires™ around them and will cause them to keep an eye on the up and coming young buck.

- Two: The Kingpire© will reach new heights! They will control more and more land as the years go by, and will become a deciding factor of the land. When another nation poses a threat, said nation will be destroyed or absorbed into our bad-ass Kingpire©and strengthen their holdings. Industry and military will be the prime concerns now. The military will establish control of its ever expanding borders, and industry will provide goods for trade with valuable allies and vassal states. It is during this time when the Kingpire℗ will reach its apex.

- Three: This is the time that our Kingpire℗ will fall. Its decline could come from anything really. Internal strife, external conflict, trade drying up, logistical catastrophe, natural disasters, King Ghidorah, really anything and everything can end these things. The key point, is that almost always, the warning signs are stated plainly in front of the ruling class, and they rarely do anything to change or alter their course. Inevitably, our beautiful Kingpire💀 will fade into the past, replaced by others who benefit off their passing. This is a fate which all must come against eventually.

He doesn't seem too miffed all things considered.

And so this brings us back. Our United States have existed for a little over 240 years old, save a couple years based on when you think the USA was actually founded. That's a pretty fair stretch of time. Not the longest by any stretch, but respectable indeed. Now, who's to say how many more we have? The America as we know it, has changed VASTLY since the early years of its conception, and it barely resembles what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they enacted the Declaration of Independence.

Have we reached our apex? Is it still on the horizon? Are we in the downturn yet? These are all questions we should be asking, but too many are blinded by 'Keeping America Great'. Many great nations have risen and fallen due to its populace having a sense of complacence. Too many take for granted that the USA will be around forever because we are so powerful. Rome was powerful once. Egypt was powerful once. The longest lasting Empires to date are the Pandyan Empire and Chola Dynasty, both of India. They clock in at 1850 years and 1629 years respectively. These time-spans hilariously dwarf our own countries age, and show just how short of a time we have actually been around.

These facts bring of several major concerns. Are we, in all of our 'MURICAN hubris, too blinded to pay attention to the warning signs? Could we avert our own decline if we pay attention? Some would say, myself included, that the current state of affairs occurring within our country is a greatly troubling sign that we may be starting our downturn. The way that politics and idiocy have undermined 200 years worth of prosperity and progress in a little under two is downright frightening. The fact that we now are in a worse political state then when Senators used to duel each other to settle disputes is mind boggling. The political parties and ruling bodies of our government seem to no longer have the well-being of its populace in mind.

We have completely let bi-partisanship and old hatred cloud our judgment to the point that a second Civil War all but seems inevitable. But this time, it would be the stupid vs. the dumb.

I mean, we really can't top this creation right?
