So it has come down to it at last. The final nail in the coffin. The ending waltz on the dance floor. The last Pringle in the can. Or something. Either way, we have sworn in another president, we have upheld our particularly American brand of Democracy, and we are all certainly awaiting every politician to be taken into custody, executed, and then for Trump to rule forever. Q just has to be correct right? The track record is.... stunning? Pictured: Q at his computer, or something. Creator: Rembrandt | Credit: Hermitage Either way, our country has reached the dawning of a new administration. An event that has happened 45 previous times, and will undoubtedly happen many many more. But along the way, there was a bit of... discourse, if you could call it that. Most of it was spurned on by the greatest of all threats in this day and age, the Keyboard Warriors. Yes, this multi-class, 12th level, 5h Edition DnD champion has, for the last 5-6 ye...
There is a great issue bubbling up in this land. No not that one. No, the other one. No NO! Not THAT one... Okay there are a great MANY issues bubbling up in this land, but none so heinous as what is now happening at our nations border. Let me get one thing straight right off the bat. I love satire, cynicism and black comedy. I will make fun and play around with almost anything. This is not to say I do not see the seriousness of said issues, or that I take them lightly. Its simply so that I can retain my sanity in this crazy world of ours. So, with that said, lets begin.
Taking kids is bad. A necessary bad in some cases such as child abuse, broken homes, drug/crime related problems, etc. However, at its underlying core, removing children from their parents grasp is generally seen as not a healthy thing to do. This is the base issue. The lowest and most basic problem with this current action taken up by our countries government. The broader issue is one of immigration. One that has, admittedly, been a major talking point for YEARS before the God-Emperor took over.
This isn't to say that certain administrations haven't taken a much gentler approach towards the issue of immigration. The Obama and Bush Sr. were more lax in their treatment of the issue, enforcing the laws and enacting newer and some would say stronger regulations, but nonetheless still having a fairly metered hand on the matter. Clinton and Bush Jr. were much more strong armed for a variety of reasons. Although Clinton was still quite calm in regards to LEGAL immigration and asylum seekers, he was quite hard on ILLEGAL immigration and set forth some very stringent laws to stem the tide as it were. Bush Jr. maintained many of the same laws while also enacting several such as detaining illegal immigrants until their hearing instead of "catching and releasing" as they had in the past, as well as creating a miles long fence (ed note: Fence. FENCE!) to better secure our border. And worthy of not, is that nearly all of these policies have always effected ILLEGAL immigration the most. Illegal immigration is usually at the core of the issue that people have when they hear the word. The problem is that over the years, illegal and legal have become twisted, and many now crusade against any immigration at all. But more on that later.
So clearly this has shown that the hot-button political issue that is immigration has been so for at least the past 30 years, if not more so. Then why so much outrage over the current administration's stance? Shouldn't we protect our borders? Shouldn't we enforce a proper and LEGAL way to immigrate? Just as our ancestors di-WAIT, WAIT, HOLD ON! I know what you are gonna say and I'm getting to that. Put the knives down. Our ancestors, be they European, Latin, Hispanic, Indian, African, Middle Eastern, etc, all had to immigrate to this country legally. Right. Right? RIGHT!? Well... no. That's not entirely true. At all. Oh boy.
The New World, which, lets just say was never really discovered but simply existed, was settled by various peoples over the thousands of years that humans have existed. Our Native American and Puebla peoples, who have the longest claim to this land, most likely immigrated over an ancient land bridge somewhere along the Bering straight that connects North America and Asia. This is the reason that many Inuit and Native American people still have a few features of ancient Asian origin. Over the next few ten thousand or so years, new peoples arose and changed to adapt to their new land. They settled all over this country and Canada, and well into Mexico and South America. And the rest is history. So, once European invaders set foot on this land, they found a vast number of indigenous populations living here that had their own lifestyles and civilizations to boot. And who where these Europeans who first came to our illustrious land? Why those would be the noble and mighty Spania- Norsemen? Well. That's unexpected.
Yes, Norse people from places such as Norway and Iceland first arrived in this land around the year 1000AD. So, for those keeping count, that's around 492 or so years before Christopher Columbus raped and pilla-I MEAN "discovered" America. You see, Norsemen, or Vikings as they are incorrectly refereed to (ed note: Seriously people, Viking means seafarer. It was a profession not a people.) settled the land around what is now called Newfoundland and also may have even traded with ancient Native peoples. We know this because we've found artifacts and ruins that date back that long. So, really, we should be celebrating Erik the Red day instead of Columbus day. The Norsemen never established much more than a few settlements, and eventually abandoned them for their own conquests in different lands.
It wasn't until the Spanish sponsored a controversial ITALIAN explorer named Christopher Columbus that more Europeans set foot on the Americas. He, along with a rag-tag "fleet" of three ships sailed across the ocean blue in the year of 1492 and came upon the Americas. After traipsing about for a bit and spreading all these wonderful European diseases, he and his crew sailed back to whence they came to spread the news. Of course, this spurned a vast number of other explorers who had interested minds and itchy pockets, and soon multitudes of European peoples where coming to and from this "New" land. And of course, a scant 200 years after, a group of colonizers set foot on Plymouth rock (ed note: Pebble. Shits small yo.) and permanently settled this land for the European peoples. However, do you notice anything odd about all these folks? Some, teensy, tiny, little issue that many fail to mention when arguing all of this... hrm? What's that? Oh yes, your absolutely right! The Europeans were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!!!! They invaded a land, made it their home, took all its resources, exploited and abused its peoples, and pooped all over the lawn! Does any of this sound familiar? One wonders what a seen it would have caused if the Native Americans had greeted these masses with large cages and locked doors and took away their children because "you should have known better before breaking into OUR country."
And it has continued ever since. Europeans still, to this day, illegally immigrate to the United States. But that's not the issue. No, no, they aren't rapists and murderers. They only send the best! What's that? over 55% of all serial killers are of Caucasian origin? Almost all school shootings have been carried out by assailants of Caucasian origin? My word, it seems we have an interesting problem here. Could it be that the people who currently hold the vast majority of political power in our country don't want people of their OWN race condemned? That they want to have an enemy that they can put a face on? That they can rally their followers towards a common goal and dehumanize the "foreign" peoples as less than human, as vermin, infesting this great land? Can it be that we slide closer and closer through the stages of GENOCIDE as the days go by? This, is the real issue.
No race can claim innocence. We have ALL committed horrible atrocities unto each other throughout history. But no one person should ever have to account for an entire peoples misgivings. No one person should have their child ripped from their arms, kicking and screaming, simply because they sought protection in a country that fancies itself a "protector of the world". Make no mistake. What is happening to people at the border is monstrous. It is inhumane and absolutely a human rights violation. But all of that has already been argued by more learned people than myself.
This current state of affairs scares me. Not because I have any fear of being victim of this, lets be honest I'm paler than snow, but because I feel that even if we expunge all of our current political leaders and place in new, more tolerant ones, our history has AGAIN been irreparably scared. In the 1800's we enslaved our fellow man. In the 1940's we interred them. In the 1960's we sought violence and hatred against them. And now in 2018, we take their children and their world. This is not what the USA stands for. Its not what we stand for. Its not what our greatest symbol of liberty stands for.
" Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free"... yearning to breath free... that is what MY America stands for.
Taking kids is bad. A necessary bad in some cases such as child abuse, broken homes, drug/crime related problems, etc. However, at its underlying core, removing children from their parents grasp is generally seen as not a healthy thing to do. This is the base issue. The lowest and most basic problem with this current action taken up by our countries government. The broader issue is one of immigration. One that has, admittedly, been a major talking point for YEARS before the God-Emperor took over.
This isn't to say that certain administrations haven't taken a much gentler approach towards the issue of immigration. The Obama and Bush Sr. were more lax in their treatment of the issue, enforcing the laws and enacting newer and some would say stronger regulations, but nonetheless still having a fairly metered hand on the matter. Clinton and Bush Jr. were much more strong armed for a variety of reasons. Although Clinton was still quite calm in regards to LEGAL immigration and asylum seekers, he was quite hard on ILLEGAL immigration and set forth some very stringent laws to stem the tide as it were. Bush Jr. maintained many of the same laws while also enacting several such as detaining illegal immigrants until their hearing instead of "catching and releasing" as they had in the past, as well as creating a miles long fence (ed note: Fence. FENCE!) to better secure our border. And worthy of not, is that nearly all of these policies have always effected ILLEGAL immigration the most. Illegal immigration is usually at the core of the issue that people have when they hear the word. The problem is that over the years, illegal and legal have become twisted, and many now crusade against any immigration at all. But more on that later.
So clearly this has shown that the hot-button political issue that is immigration has been so for at least the past 30 years, if not more so. Then why so much outrage over the current administration's stance? Shouldn't we protect our borders? Shouldn't we enforce a proper and LEGAL way to immigrate? Just as our ancestors di-WAIT, WAIT, HOLD ON! I know what you are gonna say and I'm getting to that. Put the knives down. Our ancestors, be they European, Latin, Hispanic, Indian, African, Middle Eastern, etc, all had to immigrate to this country legally. Right. Right? RIGHT!? Well... no. That's not entirely true. At all. Oh boy.
The New World, which, lets just say was never really discovered but simply existed, was settled by various peoples over the thousands of years that humans have existed. Our Native American and Puebla peoples, who have the longest claim to this land, most likely immigrated over an ancient land bridge somewhere along the Bering straight that connects North America and Asia. This is the reason that many Inuit and Native American people still have a few features of ancient Asian origin. Over the next few ten thousand or so years, new peoples arose and changed to adapt to their new land. They settled all over this country and Canada, and well into Mexico and South America. And the rest is history. So, once European invaders set foot on this land, they found a vast number of indigenous populations living here that had their own lifestyles and civilizations to boot. And who where these Europeans who first came to our illustrious land? Why those would be the noble and mighty Spania- Norsemen? Well. That's unexpected.
Yes, Norse people from places such as Norway and Iceland first arrived in this land around the year 1000AD. So, for those keeping count, that's around 492 or so years before Christopher Columbus raped and pilla-I MEAN "discovered" America. You see, Norsemen, or Vikings as they are incorrectly refereed to (ed note: Seriously people, Viking means seafarer. It was a profession not a people.) settled the land around what is now called Newfoundland and also may have even traded with ancient Native peoples. We know this because we've found artifacts and ruins that date back that long. So, really, we should be celebrating Erik the Red day instead of Columbus day. The Norsemen never established much more than a few settlements, and eventually abandoned them for their own conquests in different lands.
It wasn't until the Spanish sponsored a controversial ITALIAN explorer named Christopher Columbus that more Europeans set foot on the Americas. He, along with a rag-tag "fleet" of three ships sailed across the ocean blue in the year of 1492 and came upon the Americas. After traipsing about for a bit and spreading all these wonderful European diseases, he and his crew sailed back to whence they came to spread the news. Of course, this spurned a vast number of other explorers who had interested minds and itchy pockets, and soon multitudes of European peoples where coming to and from this "New" land. And of course, a scant 200 years after, a group of colonizers set foot on Plymouth rock (ed note: Pebble. Shits small yo.) and permanently settled this land for the European peoples. However, do you notice anything odd about all these folks? Some, teensy, tiny, little issue that many fail to mention when arguing all of this... hrm? What's that? Oh yes, your absolutely right! The Europeans were ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!!!! They invaded a land, made it their home, took all its resources, exploited and abused its peoples, and pooped all over the lawn! Does any of this sound familiar? One wonders what a seen it would have caused if the Native Americans had greeted these masses with large cages and locked doors and took away their children because "you should have known better before breaking into OUR country."
And it has continued ever since. Europeans still, to this day, illegally immigrate to the United States. But that's not the issue. No, no, they aren't rapists and murderers. They only send the best! What's that? over 55% of all serial killers are of Caucasian origin? Almost all school shootings have been carried out by assailants of Caucasian origin? My word, it seems we have an interesting problem here. Could it be that the people who currently hold the vast majority of political power in our country don't want people of their OWN race condemned? That they want to have an enemy that they can put a face on? That they can rally their followers towards a common goal and dehumanize the "foreign" peoples as less than human, as vermin, infesting this great land? Can it be that we slide closer and closer through the stages of GENOCIDE as the days go by? This, is the real issue.
No race can claim innocence. We have ALL committed horrible atrocities unto each other throughout history. But no one person should ever have to account for an entire peoples misgivings. No one person should have their child ripped from their arms, kicking and screaming, simply because they sought protection in a country that fancies itself a "protector of the world". Make no mistake. What is happening to people at the border is monstrous. It is inhumane and absolutely a human rights violation. But all of that has already been argued by more learned people than myself.
This current state of affairs scares me. Not because I have any fear of being victim of this, lets be honest I'm paler than snow, but because I feel that even if we expunge all of our current political leaders and place in new, more tolerant ones, our history has AGAIN been irreparably scared. In the 1800's we enslaved our fellow man. In the 1940's we interred them. In the 1960's we sought violence and hatred against them. And now in 2018, we take their children and their world. This is not what the USA stands for. Its not what we stand for. Its not what our greatest symbol of liberty stands for.
" Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free"... yearning to breath free... that is what MY America stands for.
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